Yes,right now you can get unlimited download and upload facility in Grameen Phone only by spending 23 BDT but please remember that this facility is only for 3 days.You can get unlimited download and upload facility by spending 23 taka and you will get this facility for 3 days.Now some pros and cons of the offer and how to active the facility is described below:
1. You SIM card should already have internet facility activated.Not only activated but also you should have P1 facility.If the P1 package is not activated then you will not be able to use this offer.
2. If your SIM card still does not have P1 facility then to activate the P1 facility you need to send one SMS writing "edge p1" and need to send it to 5000.The SMS will charge you 2 BDT.
3.Now go to the message option and write "backup" and send it to 6000 .Now this SMS will charge you 2 BDT and the offer charge is 23 BDT.So,you balance should have at least 30 taka so that you can avail the offer.
4.Now you will get one SMS like below:
"Thanks u for ur interest in grameen phone mobile backup service. to proceed with the registration process please click on using gp WAP connection. if ur handset do not supprt EDGE then send REG to 6000 to subscribe for SMS based backup service only."
Now click on the click and it will redirect you to download one application.Please! please!! please !!Do not download it .If you download it then it will charge you 45 BDT.So,cancel the download and check your balance.If you balance is less by 23 BDT then you will think that your offer is activated.
Special Note: You will be able to use this facility from one SIM card one time in a month.After one month you will be able to use this facility again.Another Important thing is that if you want to unsubscribe this facility then send it by writing "unsub" and send the message to 6000.Otherwise again it will cut 23 taka in the next month.
Now how to get unlimited internet through out the month by spending only 270 taka?
It is very easy and legal but a bit tricky.You need to have 10 SIM card of Grameen Phone.Now you need to activate the facility in all the SIM card.So,the calculation is :
(2+2+23) = 27 * 10 sim =270 taka and you will get 30 days facility of unlimited download and upload in all the SIM card.Please be noted that active the facility to another SIM when you first SIM card's facility will expire.